
A Poopy Father’s Day….Literally!

First off - Happy Father’s Day to my wonderful husband. (And my Dad too).

Our morning started out hilariously.

I was feeding Buddy (little L’s new nickname) and I knew he was poopy. What I didn’t realize until I lifted him off my lap was that his diaper had leaked and I was COVERED with poop. M saw it and was about to say, “Oh Sh*t!” but quickly changed to “Oh Shoot!”. This was then echoed by Mouse (S’s nickname from birth that I am contemplating using as her blog nickname since this initial crap is driving me bonkers) as, “Oh Sh*it!”. I about died laughing since M was trying hard not to swear, but it was what Mouse heard anyway. (Side note: He said if she is going to say sh*t anyway, that he should just say it too – we will be discussing this later. Ahem…)

Laughing hysterically, I took Buddy to change him and I swear that he was laughing at me. Or he laughed for the first time, or something – but the timing was suspect. Either way, both of us were covered in poop laughing hysterically.

His smile made me forget that I was covered in excrement.
Only for a moment though.

After the changing of the clothes of all parties, Mouse went up to Buddy and pointer her finger at him. She said, “So sad Buddy! We no poo poo on Mommy!”

Love the fact that she is already admonishing her brother and he is only six weeks old.

So in honor of father’s day, we sat down for breakfast and that lasted a whopping 10 minutes before Mouse got naked and announce she had to poop.

So I took her to the potty to “try” (read: sit for a long time, bored out of my mind for NO RESULT) and poor M ate his Father’s day breakfast alone while Buddy slept and Mouse pottied. If that isn’t the epitome of fatherhood…(kinda sad though).

After breakfast, Mouse got her long awaited haircut. It is so hot here in Florida and so I hacked off (not really – more like trimmed) a few inches.

Then she got her nails painted. M wanted to know why she was getting pampered instead of him, but I offered to paint his nails this color:


And he declined. (Wonder why?).

His father’s day did improve a bit when I made him a father’s day cake..albeit out of PlayDough – but a cake nevertheless.DSC_4212

Here he is trying to look appreciative while holding Buddy.DSC_4215

Frankly, I think he looks more annoyed, but I give him kudos for trying!

Hope his Father’s Day gets better!

Update: Quesadillas and beer for lunch while watching World Cup! Life is better…

Happy Father’s Day honey! Despite the lack of pomp and circumstance, we love you more than we could ever express! - Love, Us


A hint of things to come....

We are well, in love, and not sleeping...but blessed beyond measure.

While up at night with feeding L, I decided that our family has outgrown this blog.

So here is a hint of our big move coming as soon as I can finish the template....
New blog! When I started this blog it was to keep the family updated on S's health. It has grown into so much more than that and I wanted a new location that reflected that change.

So...coming soon...(as soon as I figure out how to manipulate code in wordpress...)

In other news:
This boy has started to smile and it lights up my world.
This girl has learned to swim (with floaties) and will be turning three on Saturday!
Sooooo happy. Sooooo tired. More soon!