
In the Still of the Night

Everyone in my house is sleeping right now. Everyone but me.

I am reveling in the stillness. In the chaos that has been our lives for the past weeks, it is nice just to have a little peace and quiet.

The kids are in their beds. Notice I said KIDS. It still amazes me that this little guy is ours. Isn't he perfect?

I have so much to share:

About how much this guy is loved by his parents. All of them.
About open adoption.
About how in some ways I feel like I adopted a newborn and two teenagers at the same time and I'm trying to reconcile that.
About life in a hotel with a newborn in rural Indiana.
About life with two kids and how I never feel like there is enough of me to go around.
About love.

This blog needs a revamp and a new name. Any suggestions?

I promise to return as soon as I can. My mother in law will be here in a few days so hopefully I will be able to tear myself away from L to post more about this crazy life I'm living.

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.


Lianna Knight said...


Please keep us in your prayers...we have some news I need to share, via email :)

Your new little boy is GORGEOUS!!

TwoDogMama said...

I agree your new addition is gorgeous and I am so glad it worked out the way it did for you. I am so curious to hear about your experience, since we will be going through ours hopeful in the next month. However, this will be a first, the couple is older than us and married, and we will be spending a week in a big city (Philly). Some big differences there of course, but I love to read about others experiences. I hope you are getting some much needed rest and enjoying both your babies.

Chris said...

Hi! I stumbled across your site while searching for local Orlando blogs.

Are you guys in Orlando? Jackie and I are an adoptive family (we have 5), and I wanted to mention that we run the Orlando Adoption Network, a local support group that meets once a month over on the East side of town; I'd like to extend an invitation to you guys to come visit sometime, it's a very casual atmosphere, and people who are looking to adopt always learn a lot from those of us who have gone through it.

