

I usually don’t take S to the park. That’s M’s thing. Plus, I usually need to work on the weekends a bit, so they head out to the park to have some father/daughter time.

This weekend was different for a few reasons. First, with M’s back hurting from the accident – he couldn’t really pick her up the way he wanted to. So I went too.

I’m ashamed to admit that it’s been MONTHS since I’ve been to the park with S. M has been telling me that she can climb and explore just about everything now, but seeing it was incredible. That kid has NO fear and is able to do so much more independently.

We played for a while. I took a bazillion pictures of her on the swing. I liked the light and she was so cute in her little hat.DSC00590

We played for a while, but as she was sans nap, she got a little cranky toward the end. She threw a fit because there was some kid swinging on the swing she wanted. We went and had ice cream after and that ended poorly as well. This is why our kid MUST nap!

Apparently S and M have a little routine that they do at the end of a trip to the park. They run down the hill together and if S falls, she rolls the rest of the way down. She loved it so much that she ran down the hill a few more times. Oh to know joy like this…

1 comment:

Lianna Knight said...

LOVE the pic! She looks like she had a BLAST!!

OMG...I just realized I didn't call you to get the scoop about that Adoption Agency!!! My parents were here from Texas and I totally forgot!!!

My bad!!!! I'll call you this weekend...I am SO curious!